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Green Building

Buildings account for a total of 39% of total energy use, 12% of total water consumption, 68% of total electricity consumption, and 38% of the carbon dioxide emissions in the United States. In an effort to reduce energy, water, electricity, and carbon dioxide consumption in Cerritos, the Green Cerritos program provides information and resources for environmentally friendly methods of construction and development. In addition, the following resources are available to assist residents and businesses in Cerritos that are interested in environmentally sustainable methods of construction and/or rebates provided by other entities.

Green Cerritos Informational Flyer

Green Building Resources

Alliance to Save Energy Website

Build It Green Website

Energy Star Website

Global Green USA Website

Los Angeles County Department of Water and Power Website

Southern California Edison Website

Southern California Gas Company Website

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Website

U.S. Green Building Council Website

LEED Certification

The U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System is an internationally recognized certification system that measures how well a building or community performs based on the following:

  • Energy savings
  • Water efficiency
  • Emissions reduction
  • Improved indoor environmental quality
  • Preservation of resources

LEED provides building owners a concise framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions. For more information about LEED certification, please contact the U.S. Green Building Council at (800) 795-1747 or visit theĀ U.S. Green Building Council website.

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