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Many mailboxes in Cerritos are over 30 years old and showing their age. To help beautify Cerritos and protect residents from mail theft, the following guidelines are available for residents planning to replace their old mailboxes. Residents are encouraged to work with their neighbors to choose mailboxes that are attractive and compatible for a beautiful streetscape.

If you are planning on purchasing a new mailbox, it is recommended that you adhere to U.S. Postal Service    guidelines for mailbox installation and placement. In addition, if you live in a community with a homeowner's association, you may also be required to obtain approval of the mailbox from the homeowner's association prior to installation.

A wide variety of mailboxes that meet these guidelines can be found at your local home improvement, discount, or hardware store.

General Guidelines for Mailboxes

In general, mailboxes should: 

  • Be made of a rust-resistant materials
  • Be compatible with the color, style, and material of your home and neighboring homes 
  • Have a locking device that only you can access with a key; a locking device allows your postal carrier to deliver your mail through a slot, which helps to reduce the potential for mail theft
  • Either be wall-mounted or freestanding

Wall-Mounted Mailboxes

Wall-mounted mailboxes can be attached to the outside of your home, near your front door. 

Freestanding Mailboxes

Freestanding mailboxes can be installed in the parkway in front of your house. A "paired freestanding mailbox" is actually two mailboxes, installed in a parkway, that are joined together by a metal or wood structure. Each mailbox is assigned to one property address and the owner is responsible for its maintenance. 

Freestanding mailboxes should be no more than 45 inches from the top of the mailbox to the ground. Mailboxes should be supported with a metal or wood post or structure painted to match or complement the color of the box. To prevent wear, the base (at least four inches above the ground) should be made of concrete or protected with metal flashing or a similar wear-resistant material.

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