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Open House and Garage Sale Signs

To ensure a safe and beautiful environment, the City of Cerritos has established regulations for the temporary placement of real estate open house directional signs and garage sale signs in the public right-of-way.

Open House Directional Signs

The placement of real estate open house directional signs shall be limited to the following days and hours (all other days and hours are prohibited):

  • Wednesdays: 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
  • Saturdays and Sundays: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Garage Sale Signs

The placement of garage sale signs shall be limited to the following days and hours(all other days and hours are prohibited):

  • Saturdays and Sundays: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

A maximum of two (2) garage sales per year are permitted.

Open House and Garage Sale Sign Regulations

The following should be followed regarding open house and garage sale signs: 

  • Signs can be up to 36 inches tall from above the top of the street curb, with a total area of less than five square feet.
  • Do not place signs in street medians.
  • Do not place signs on sidewalks or walkways.
  • Do not place signs in any area that interferes with pedestrian or vehicular circulation.
  • Do not place signs in a location that interferes with a driver's visibility.
  • Do not attach signs to trees, poles, utility boxes, bus benches, trash cans or fire hydrants.
  • Do not use flags, pennants, streamers or balloons.
  • Signs placed in the parkway can only be located between the curb and sidewalk.
  • Only two signs for the same open house or garage sale are allowed between street intersections on the same side of an arterial street.
  • Only one real estate open house directional sign for the same open house is allowed inside residential tracts for each directional change.

Penalties for Violation

Any sign in violation of these regulations may be removed or confiscated by the City.

Real estate signs that are confiscated by the City will only be held for 10 days. A real estate agent or company can recover the signs at a cost of $20 each. Real estate open house directional signs that are not recovered within ten (10) days from the date of confiscation shall be disposed of at the discretion of the City of Cerritos.

Violation of these regulations will result in an infraction citation with a fine of $50. Every additional violation occurring within one year of a first citation will be punishable by a fine of $100.

For More Information

Call the Code Enforcement Division at (562) 916-1203.

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