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Landscaping and Water Conservation

You can conserve water and save money by planting water-saving plants and trees at home. The specimens found in the City's water conservation garden all have low to moderate water needs and simple maintenance requirements and are readily available in local nurseries.

Good irrigation systems are key to a water-conserving garden. The City's water conservation garden at El Rancho Verde Park uses an automatic drip irrigation system that delivers water directly to plant roots, eliminating waste water due to overspray. Drip irrigation also reduces evaporation, which can be a major waste of water during warm weather. You can adjust your drip system at home as the weather and seasons change.

Also in the City garden, shredded mulch is applied to a depth of 2-1/2 to 3 inches to retain soil moisture, smother weeds and recycle the nutrients from plant clippings.

For More Information

Call the Department of Public Works at (562) 916-1220.

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