Tree Trimming
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Tree Trimming District Map 2024–2028
Citywide Tree Trimming Schedule
Crews from the City's Parks & Trees Division regularly trim the 30,000 street trees that line Cerritos streets and beautify Cerritos neighborhoods and parks. In addition to providing shade, beauty and protection from noise and air pollution, realtors say mature trees can increase property values.
To help protect Cerritos street trees, City staff have been trained in proper pruning techniques established by the International Society of Arboriculture and the National Arborists Association that help enhance the trees' health, strength and appearance and prevent limbs from falling or interfering with houses, driveways, sidewalks and wires.
Improper pruning can be dangerous. The chopping of tree branches, called "topping," can weaken trees, increase likelihood of broken branches, expose them to disease or fungus, promote irregular growth and rob trees of their food supply.
If the street tree in front of your property needs care or trimming, please leave the job to the City's tree care professionals. To request service, call the Public Works Department at (562) 916-1220 or fill out our online Tree Trimming Request Form.
Pay to Trim Program
The City’s Pay to Trim Program allows homeowners to pay for the trimming of their parkway tree if it is causing damage to homeowner’s property, excessive maintenance, or a public health or safety hazard. The homeowner is financially responsible for any necessary repairs to the public right-of-way resulting from the trimming project.
If you are interested in participating in the Pay to Trim Program, please follow the steps below:
- Retain a qualified tree maintenance contractor with a D49 license and a valid Contractor’s license issued by the State of California.
- Complete the Parkway Tree Application Form.
- Visit the Public Works counter at City Hall to submit the Parkway Tree Application Form and fill out a No-Fee Tree Trimming Permit Application. Your contractor must also hold or obtain a City of Cerritos business license.
- Submit the completed applications to the Public Works counter at City Hall. Once approved, the Trees Division will return a copy of the application to you and schedule a pre-inspection.
- Once the tree trimming project has been completed, the City will conduct a final inspection to determine the condition of the surrounding property and to ensure that the tree was trimmed within the standards described in the City’s Municipal Code.
Tree Trimming Regulations for Businesses
A tree pruning permit is required before pruning or trimming trees on commercial property in Cerritos. The permit process helps manage the local urban forest and prohibits the improper maintenance of trees on commercial properties within the City.
Over the years, some local businesses have “topped” their trees as a means of cutting maintenance costs. (“Topping” trees involves chopping branches severely to reduce the tree’s size). Topping gives trees ugly stumps and raw cuts that invite insects and disease. Topping also starves trees by robbing them of their food-making ability, which will cause most of them to quickly grow ugly, brushy regrowth that requires frequent trimming. “False limbs” (branches with weak connections that can easily break) may also grow out of topped trees.
The City ordinance requires a tree pruning permit for any entity wishing to prune or trim trees within commercial, industrial and multi-family zoned areas, as well as common areas within all residential developments that are governed by homeowners associations. When an entity requests a tree trimming permit, the City will send a certified arborist to meet with the tree trimmer to explain proper tree-trimming techniques.
Required Permit for Pruning
A tree pruning permit issued by the City of Cerritos Public Works Department is required for the following landscape and tree maintenance activities on commercial properties:
- Pruning of trees
- Thinning of trees
- Trimming of trees
- Maintenance of trees
A permit is required for tree pruning on the following properties:
- Commercial Properties
- Industrial Properties
- Apartment and Condominium Properties
- Common areas of Residential Homeowners Associations
Tree Pruning Permit Process
The property owner or property management company of commercial properties in Cerritos must obtain a tree pruning permit prior to any tree maintenance activities. Tree pruning permits can be obtained at the Public Works Department located at Cerritos City Hall, 18125 Bloomfield Avenue. The tree pruning permit process is as follows:
- The landscape maintenance company hired to trim the trees must obtain a Cerritos business license.
- Obtain a Tree Pruning Permit from the Public Works Department at least five business days prior to the scheduled start of work.
- Schedule an on-site pre-inspection with a City representative.
- Schedule an on-site post-inspection with a City representative upon completion of tree maintenance activities.
Penalties will be imposed for improper tree trimming activities pursuant to Chapter 9.75 of the Cerritos Municipal Code. Penalties may include monetary fines based on the value of improperly maintained trees and/or a misdemeanor offense.
For questions regarding landscape maintenance or tree trimming requirements, including the tree pruning permit process, please contact the Cerritos Public Works Department at (562) 916-1220.
Featured Links:
International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Website