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Join Neighborhood Watch

Residents are encouraged to join the Neighborhood Watch in Cerritos, a joint effort by community members and the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station/Community Safety Center to fight crime and protect property. One of the oldest crime-prevention programs, it serves as the eyes and ears of the Sheriff’s Department and has proven instrumental in keeping communities safe.

Contact the Community Safety Division at (562) 916-1266 to see if a Neighborhood Watch group has been formed in your neighborhood. If there is an established group, you will be provided with the name and phone number of the Watch Captain.

If there is no active group yet in your area, the Community Safety Division will help you and your neighbors start one. Ideal Neighborhood Watch groups are typically small–usually 15 to 20 households–to simplify communication among participants. A designated block captain will be responsible for acting as the liaison between a neighborhood and the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station/Community Safety Center.

While the Community Safety Division and Sheriff’s Department will assist in many ways, the success of Neighborhood Watch depends largely on citizen involvement. Participants will receive Neighborhood Watch signs to post, alerting potential criminals that others are watching out for your home. Members of the watch group monitor their neighborhoods, communicate regularly with deputies and meet with neighbors routinely to stay current on new information. If a residential crime pattern is identified in the area, deputies will notify the group of what to look out for and suggest prevention strategies.

Join the City’s Neighborhood Watch program at

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