Street Sweeping Schedule
Street Sweeping Schedules
All Cerritos streets are swept once a week by the City's contractor, Athens Services.
Street sweeping in Cerritos takes place the day after trash collection. For homes with a Friday trash collection date, streets are swept on the following Monday. During the four-hour street sweeping period, parking on the street is prohibited. To identify the day and time your street is swept, click on the Street Sweeping Map above.
Holiday Street Sweeping Schedule
Street Sweeping is performed once a week, Monday through Friday, except on the following holidays:
- New Year's Day — Routes will be delayed one day beginning January 1 (provided it lands on a weekday) and will continue through Saturday.
- Memorial Day — All routes will be delayed one day through Saturday.
- Independence Day — Routes will be delayed one day beginning July 4 (provided it lands on a weekday) and will continue through Saturday.
- Labor Day — All routes will be delayed one day through Saturday.
- Thanksgiving Day — Routes scheduled for Thursday and Friday will be delayed one day through Saturday.
- Christmas Day — Routes will be delayed one day beginning December 25 (provided it lands on a weekday) and will continue through Saturday.
Note: Streets are swept as regularly scheduled on the weeks of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day and Veterans Day holidays.
To determine the day on which your street should be swept, see the Street Sweeping Schedule Map, or call the Public Works Department at (562) 916-1220 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and provide your address.
Street Sweeping Parking Restriction
To comply with state and federal environmental regulations requiring proper sweeping of gutters, the Cerritos Municipal Code prohibits parked vehicles from blocking the street sweeper on specified days and during specified times.
Note the detailed maps specifying the days and the four-hour periods when street-cleaning parking is prohibited. No parking signs are posted at the entrances to every housing tract. Violators will be issued a $55 citation. No citation will be issued unless a parked vehicle is observed blocking a street sweeper. The restriction will not be enforced during weeks when there is an official federal holiday.
For More Information
Call the Community Safety Division staff at (562) 916-1266.